Are you Chasing Away Buyers?

Want to know what buyers are having issues with in your property? Here are the top 10 things that will make a buyer quickly turn around and simply walk away. These are the pain points that simply have to be avoided in order for buyers to want to continue the buying process in your home. Without proper attention, these ten points will most definitely make you lose a buyer in ten days.

1. Unpleasant Odors
Unpleasant house odors are the number one complaint of potential home buyers. To be more specific, it’s odors that stem from cigarette smoke and pets that are the most offensive to the majority of people, with mold and mildew close behind.

2. Dirty Bathrooms and Kitchens
Dingy bathrooms and greasy, grimy kitchens are a huge turn off for buyers. Both of these rooms must be spic-and-span clean if you want to sell your home. Scrub, paint, and replace towels if you have to, but make them shine from top to bottom. Remember, clean kitchens and bathrooms sell homes.

3. Barking Dogs and Hissing Cats
Many people are frightened of dogs, while some are just irritated by them. During a showing, arrange for your pets to visit the neighbors, or take them with you in order to avoid unnecessary distractions.

4. Busy Wallpaper
Tired, out-of-date wallpaper? Yuck. Once the buyer sees it, they’ll start calculating how much time and work it will take to get rid it. Do it for them. Once it’s removed, use a fresh coat of neutral paint to freshen up the space.

5. Bugs and Pests
If you have a bug or rodent infestation, it’s crucial to eliminate them before showing your home. Bugs, mice, and any other nasty critter is a real no-no and can instantly dismay buyers.

6. Poorly Lit Rooms
Poorly lit rooms and dark homes in general make the home feel like a dungeon. You want as much light as possible coming into the home. Try these tricks:

Replace all dimly lit fixtures
Remove or replace dark heavy draperies to let in streaming light
Consider installing skylights or sun tunnels
Trim any obstructing tree limbs that cast shadows over the house
Repaint certain rooms with paint colors that are light reflective

7. Gutters That Look Like Tree Nurseries
Some people have literally never cleaned out their gutters. Aside from being unsightly, the buyers will wonder what else has been neglected.

8. Damp, Moldy Basements
Damp or moldy smelling basements typically occur due to rainwater that’s diverted towards the home’s foundation rather than away from it. Here are some common problems:

Lack of rain gutters along the roofline
Downspouts aiming the wrong way
Clogged drains underground

9. Sellers Who Don’t Leave During the Showings
It is a very poor choice for a homeowner to stay during a showing. The buyers will feel awkward and can’t relax if they’re worried about what the homeowner is doing or thinking – or worse, what they might say to them. Buyers need space.

10. Poor Curb Appeal
Many sellers fail to consider how important curb appeal factors in. A well-landscaped yard means everything in the eyes of a buyer along with proper home staging.

The majority of these issues are cost free (cleaning and lawn care) but all of them are crucial in order to succeed in selling your home. An experienced real estate agent in Seattle knows the importance of everything on this list. A huge barking dog, cigarette smell, and a hovering homeowner will quickly deter buyers. More importantly, your home will be labeled with these problems if you fail to address them – “The home with the mold”, or “The ugly wallpaper house”. You’ll be last on the agents list to show prospective buyers.