Many buyers look for homes in the summer months. The kids aren’t in school, there’s more time and longer days make it a good time for buyers to look around. As a seller this may sound great to you, but this means that there is more that needs to be done if you want an edge in the market. Follow these tips to make your home a summer oasis for potential buyers.
Think Summer – Make sure all your winter and spring decorations are put away. Pull up heavy rugs and replace heavy drapes with sheer ones. This is the time to focus on warm, sunny days.
Let the Sun In – Days are longer. Take advantage of the natural light to make the sun brighten up your home. Be sure the curtains or blinds are open.
Be Aware of the Temp – Open the windows to let fresh breezes in on cooler days, but make sure the house is comfortable at all times by turning on the air conditioning on hotter days.
Clean your Fans and A/C Filters – A dirty ceiling fan can shower down a lot of dust when it’s turned on. It’s not a good way to start a showing by flipping a switch and having handfuls of dust flutter about the room. Cleaning and changing air conditioning filters takes only a few minutes, but the return is huge.
Don’t Forget the Backyard – A frequent thought is what’s for dinner, and in the summer an exciting option is BBQ. Creating an enticing backyard area where potential buyers can imagine a enjoying a cook out while the kids run around and play can go a long way to creating an emotional attachment for the buyer to your house. Make sure your patio furniture isn’t covered in dirt and bird droppings, but looks like a haven of summer fun.
Summer is a great time for sales. Make sure your home is ready to welcome potential buyers. For more hints and tips call Helen today at 847.967.0022 or email [email protected].