View our Long Grove real estate market statistics for April 2016 below.

Looking to buy or sell in Long Grove? Keeping up on the market is important when you’re preparing. The value and time on market of other houses in your area will help determine what you will pay or sell your home for and how long you can expect to be on the market yourself.

Long Grove Real Estate Market Statistics for April 2016


Active Listings

Detached Single
Bedrooms # Active Avg. Price Avg Market Time
All 130 $795,413 221
1-2 1 $660,000 79
3 11 $465,409 184
4 72 $760,249 235
5 or More 46 $932,309 212


Sold Listings

Detached Single
Bedrooms # Sold Avg Sold Price Avg Market Time
All 5 $868,600 192
4 2 $529,000 335
5 or More 3 $1,095,000 97

Data Courtesy of Midwest Real Estate Data LLC. Info deemed reliable but not guaranteed.


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